I'm very nearly finished with a triptych for the new cancer center at Wesley Long Hospital. Several months ago, I was asked by a woman who serves on the board of directors for Moses Cone Health if I would submit a prototype of a bird painting to be exhibited at the new cancer center. She liked my original bird paintings (enough to buy one herself), but wanted the prototype to reflect nature, family, community; to help heal and "to make you smile." She also wanted more birds in the painting.
So, I submitted an idea to her and, a couple of months later, I received a call telling me the painting idea was a hit. However, they wanted me to make it a triptych. And it needed to be done in a month.
Well, here it is: 25 birds of varying sizes and shapes on the three panels. The piece is six feet wide, which easily makes it the largest project I've done.
I now have to send a photo of the painting to the woman with Moses Cone Health. The photo will be printed in a catalogue to be distributed to people who will be attending a gala event and fundraiser for the cancer center. The tryptic will be priced and (hopefully) sold. The cancer center will then pay me for the painting and keep the work of art at the center.
I don't know if I'm invited, which is fine either way. I like the idea of a lot of people seeing my work. I do hope to see where it winds up being displayed. I've been told it will probably go into the break room for doctors and nurses.
I believe the fundraiser is slated for Oct. 13.